Workplace Mediation

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What is Workplace Mediation?

Workplace Mediation offers an effective and inclusive process for dealing with workplace conflict. The process is designed to assist members of a workplace to resolve interpersonal and professional conflicts.

Our experienced mediators act impartial with the sole focus of supporting the parties towards a positive resolution.

Workplace Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process. We can assist you to develop fair and workable written agreements and identify areas of professional development for individuals and teams.

For an overview of the FDR process visit our Explainer video or Poster.

Helping you resolve workplace conflicts

We can assist you to develop fair and workable written agreements and identify areas of professional development for individuals and teams.

What’s the difference between mediation and facilitation?

Workplace Facilitation is a process where parties are supported by an independent third party to have difficult conversations about interpersonal or professional issues within the workplace.

Our aim through this process is to assist parties to reach a workable resolution that best supports their workplace and their individual needs.

At Positive Solutions our workplace mediation services provide an effective and inclusive process for dealing with workplace conflict.

think Positive for your mediation needs

Who does Positive Solutions report too?

Through this process, we do not provide reports for legal, insurance or tribunal matters. This includes any reports (written or verbal) on the content of mediation with your employer or referrer. We can provide feedback regarding whether the mediation reached agreement or whether further sessions are required. However, will not disclose the content of any sessions.

If a signed mediation/facilitation agreement is reached, they can be provided to the employer and will be provided to all parties. We may also provide informal generalised feedback on behalf of parties about their professional development needs and wider workplace suggestions generated in mediation.  

Who can refer to mediation?

Commonly we will either be contacted directly by the workplace. If mediation or facilitation has been identified by your workplace as an appropriate way of resolving any workplace disputes, your line manager or HR manager (the ‘referrer’) may contact Positive Solutions. Your mediator will have a preliminary conversation with the referrer to determine the best process for you and the other party. Once confirmed, we will obtain contact information from the referrer so we can liaise with you directly to arrange your appointments.  

Alternatively, we do accept referrals from Workers Compensation insurers or Workplace rehabilitation providers. The process is similar in that we obtain background for the dispute and contact information to set up the client’s appointments.  

What is the process?


The intake process involves a one-hour individual intake appointment with your mediator. This is to discuss your perspective of the issues and workshop what you would like to achieve through the process. The session is confidential and designed to support each party individually to:

  • identify the main issues to be raised
  • develop reasonable expected outcomes
  • discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

Each party to the dispute will have the opportunity to attend this session either face-to-face or via phone/video-conferencing. 

Joint Session

Following the individual sessions we will schedule a joint mediation session. This session is usually scheduled for two-hours. You will be given the opportunity to raise your concerns or issues and to respond to what the other party raises. Importantly, you will be given the opportunity to develop a plan moving forward to support you and the other party working in a positive environment.  

Depending on the complexity and needs of the dispute, we may require subsequent joint sessions. We may also adjust this process to best meet your needs and the needs of the workplace. However, this will be discussed with you and the process remains voluntary throughout.  

Following the conclusion of your sessions, your mediator will draft the agreement and provide a copy to yourself, the other party and the referrer.  

Where do sessions take place?

We offer our services face to face, via phone or video conferencing. Our experienced mediators are skilled in all delivery modes and are able to work with the platform most suitable for you.  

Sessions are commonly conducted at our offices in Hobart, Launceston, Burnie or Devonport, however where appropriate can be facilitated in the workplace.  

What happens in the mediation process?

You will be assisted to:

  • State what you wish to discuss
  • Share information about the history of the dispute
  • Identify any problem areas
  • Negotiate options and proposals
  • Define agreements and designate issues needing further discussion.

Can Positive Solutions investigate a grievance or industrial action claim? 

The mediation and facilitation processes are not evidentiary processes. We do not investigate complaints, grievances or industrial or legal actions. Additionally, we will not facilitate performance management processes. If any of these issues are identified as the primary concern, our practitioner will discuss this with the referrer to determine a more appropriate process. Mediation or facilitation may be recommended as an outcome of an investigation or to support a resolution arising from a formal grievance/complaint.  

Our practitioners do not provide legal or industrial advice. Their role is to remain impartial and objective at all times. If parties need to obtain advice about organisational policies or relevant legislation, they will need to seek this independently. During your session, should you inquire as to something that requires this advice, your practitioner may direct you to the relevant services (i.e. Fair Work) 

What additional support can be offered after mediation? 

We offer a range of workplace services designed to support workplaces to foster robust and positive environments.  

We provide counselling under the Employee Assistance Program. This is a confidential service funded by participating workplaces.  

Additional services include:

  • workplace support
  • training
  • information and awareness sessions
  • manager / supervisor support
  • critical incident stress management
  • conflict coaching
  • supervision.  

For further information regarding our workplace services please click here.

Get In Touch Today.

To make an appointment or to obtain further information on any of our services during business hours please call or email.

Call:  (03) 6223 5612

Email: [email protected]

Positive Solutions has offices located in Hobart, Launceston, Burnie and Devonport.

Hobart Office: 165 Davey Street, Hobart TAS 7000

Launceston Office: 76 York Street, Launceston TAS 7250

We are here to help