Privacy and Confidentiality
Privacy and Confidentiality Statement
At Positive Solutions, we are committed to protecting your privacy and that of any personal information you provide. We are committed to complying with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1998, including the Australian Privacy Principles.
This statement explains how Positive Solutions manages and secures your personal information. It describes the kinds of personal information that we hold and for what purposes, and how that information is stored then used and disclosed.
Positive Solutions complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and upholds the Australian Privacy Principles in collecting, maintaining and storing personal information in a private and secure manner. For Family Mediation/Dispute Resolution and Family Law Counselling Services Positive Solutions has further obligations under the Family Law Act 1975.
If you have any further questions about this information please discuss with a Positive Solutions staff member.
Client privacy is important. Positive Solutions respects your rights and ensures that all personal information remains private and confidential.
Positive Solutions does not provide reports in relation to any of our services unless required by law. Practitioners will not willingly disclose information you have given, but there are instances when we are bound by law to report information given to us. These include:
- You have provided written consent for the disclosure;
- If required by Australian law or a court subpoena (noting that communications made in family law counselling and family dispute resolutions are not admissible in court proceedings);
- Assisting an independent Children’s Lawyer to properly represent the interests of a child.
- Deal with a serious or imminent threat to any person’s health or safety and/or to public health and safety;
- Is the subject of a search warrant; or
- Where there is suspected child abuse.
Positive Solutions adopts a team approach to cases, so your practitioner may discuss your case with colleagues to design new strategies to assist you.
For a full copy of our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy please contact Reception.
Where requested by Public Health in relation to contact tracing for COVID-19 Positive Solutions will provide the names of clients and appointment dates and times for the period in question.
Why do we collect your personal information?
The personal information we collect is necessary for us to provide you with the best possible service.
What sort of information do we collect?
We only collect personal information that is necessary for Positive Solutions to provide you with its services and to perform its functions. Some of this information will be sensitive i.e. country of birth, reasons for seeking assistance. Information collected may include:
- Your name, address, phone number and email;
- Referrals from other services;
- Demographic information such as name, date of birth, address, marital status, employment status and cultural background;
- Financial information to assist with assessing fees and payment methods.
How do we collect it?
We prefer to collect this information directly from you however can collect it from other service providers or third parties with your consent.
How do we hold your personal information?
Positive Solutions holds your personal information in different ways, which include in both paper and electronic form.
Positive Solutions will take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal information and to protect it from unauthorised disclosure, use or access.
How will the information be used?
The information will be used to:
- Assess your needs and provide you with the services you require.
- Determine invoicing requirements, if applicable, to the service/s you are accessing.
- Evaluate the service/s being provided to you.
- To provide statistical reporting using de-identified, aggregated data.
What if you do not provide us with the information?
Positive Solutions only collects the information necessary to provide you with the best possible service. Wherever practical, we will provide you with the choice as to whether you provide us with the information. However, a minimum amount of personal information will be necessary as without it we may not be able to provide a service.
How can you access your information and make changes if it is not accurate?
You have the right to ask to see your file at any time and emend anything that is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. However, Positive Solutions is not always required to provide you with access to your personal information. Where the information may relate to existing and anticipated legal proceedings, where denying access is required or authorised by law, or where the request is regarded as frivolous or vexatious, you may be refused and told why.
You can lodge a request for your file by contacting:
The General Manager, Positive Solutions, 165 Davey Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000 Email: [email protected]
Online National Data Collection
Our family mediation and family law counselling services are partially funded by the Commonwealth Government under the Attorney-General’s Department (AGD) and/or the Department of Social Services (DSS).
As part of our funding agreement, the Commonwealth Government requires us to enter data into the Data Exchange system (DEX). This data assists DSS and AGD gather information on whether our services are useful and helpful. Your participation in DEX is very important. It is also voluntary.
It is important to note that DSS, AGD and contracted service providers are bound to protect the privacy of individuals under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
If you give your consent, details provided by you will be entered into DEX.
To protect your privacy we will create a unique code from the answers you provide on this form so that your information can be used in a way that DOES NOT identify you. DSS, AGD and agencies engaged to conduct research or evaluation will be required to use a unique code as it may be possible to link all the services that a person has received without being able to identify the person.
Making a complaint
You may also use the above contact details if you have a complaint about how your personal information has been stored or used or fill in our Feedback Form.